followed on from ERI in Prague in January where Evelyn Holloway, Peter Waugh and Janus Zeitstein presented erotic poems. ERII was held on Friday, 16 May at the Labfactory in the Praterstrasse, Vienna, to a full room. It’s hard work if you can get it so there had to be several rehearsals, which were great fun in themselves.
Featuring Michaela Gabriel, Homemade Gordon Banks, Evelyn Holloway, Hillary Keel, Felix Mendelssohn, Sylvia Petter, Horst Prillinger, Victoria Slavuski, Peter Waugh and Janus Zeitstein, with music by Steve Gander (vocals, guitar), Sandro Miori (sax, flute, harmonica), Martin Schönlieb (guitar), the gig was promoted as “[a] performance of original erotic poetry in English and German, with music and song, exploring the vagaries of sexual experience through the varieties of poetic expression”. Pictures of the evening can be seen at Michi’s Flickr.
I read translations of excerpts from Carina Nekolny’s Kloanes Pornolexikon and had the strange experience of reading “Vichyssoise”, a story by my nom de plume, AstridL. The full words and music programme stopped just short of midnight with a rousing singalong to Steve’s “Copulate & Populate”.