Vanessa will be giving a series of workshops on novel writing at the Writers´ Studio here in Vienna. She´ll be kicking off on Thursday, 1 November and continuing Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I´ve signed up and can´t wait for four days of writing immersion with her.
And on Friday evening, she´ll be reading from The Coward´s Tale, or maybe from one of her story collections, Storm Warning or Words from a Glass Bubble, and she might even top things off with a bit of flash. (You may notice that Vanessa´s two story collections were published by SALT which also published a 2012 Man-Booker finalist, as well as Short Circuit: A Guide to the Art of the Short Story which was edited by…Vanessa Gebbie. And there´ll be a new version of Short Circuit with more fascinating essays out soon.)
Vanessa´s reading will be on Friday, 2 November at 7.30 pm at Shakespeare and Co in one of the oldest parts of Vienna. I really can´t wait to hear the real voice read the voices I imagine in her work, and voices there are! Why don´t you join me?
I´ve posted both covers of The Coward´s Tale because not only did I love the book, but also both covers. And you can read about Vanessa´s blogstop on this very blog. So excited to be meeting her in person! Yikes, the souk!
So my weekend´s going to be busy. And the next one, I´m sure, will be just great!
I’m glad you found me on twitter. I had no idea about the writers’ studio or Shakespeare and Co here in Vienna. Are you organising the Short Story Conference next year?
It was great, Sue. Posts coming.
How wonderful and what fun. Vanessa will be great — she always is. I’m jealous of you both, actually.