I´m still in conference budget mode but am getting out a bit. And I am writing! A flash called “Kone” which was accepted by Micro Fiction Monday for its issue #14 will be dissected in Flash Frontier for Christmas. So that will be exciting!
I´ve been scrivening my opus which now has a new tentative title: The Panopticon. I have an opening chapter up at Read Wave here and another here. Extracts from two more chapters appear in issue #7 of Jotters United. So grateful for the feedback received on these extracts.
I know the way I´m going about this is breaking all the rules, but I´m taking the temperature of the room–as they used to say in big meetings in another life to avoid a vote–and that is very helpful. There will be a lot of revising and editing to do before I am done, but I have set myself a March 2015 deadline, or goat, as I like to call it, since I don´t really do goals. I´m also very conscious of time flying and timing flies, so there you have it for my motivation.
The way I´m proceeding also fits in with my take on how I want to do my website. It´ll have my books and my writing and a blog and where my stories have appeared and lots of pix and it will be all over the place and even the “about me” bit will be of more a welcome with not an author pic, but three pix of the different mes. But your brand? I hear you say. That is my brand, as if such a thing needs to be burnt into my right cheek!
You see, I want to share and I want to be read, and if my words touch someone, well that makes me happy. If I sell some books, well hey, that´s fine, too. This is the way I started out on the Internet as one of the first women writing in that medium. It is and was always the process.
So do come by and have a peek at how things are going, and who knows, one day there might be a novel by me called The Panopticon.
Oops! I nearly forgot. I´ll be reading from my stories in German, Geflimmer der Vergangenheit, on Wednesday, 29 October at 19:00 at Cafe Fichtl in Floridsdorf, Vienna. So do come by if you want to hear me read in German. I read a 7-minute extract last week at Poet´s Night and it went really well.