I´ve been hesitating with my updates as I wanted things to happen, and the wait has paid off, for happen they did.
First, we are in an extended lockdown in Vienna until 2 May. The Health Minister, the only decent member of the current Austrian government, has just resigned. He will be missed. It hasn´t been easy.
Dr Gugu and I have both had our first jabs. Seconds in about a month.
My novel, All the Beautiful Liars is now available worldwide in paperback and audio, in addition to the eBook launched a year ago.
WordCity Literary Journal will now be issued every two months, so our next issue will be in May and after that in July. Check out the submission guidelines.
I spilt several beans in my interview with Jane Spoken Word in the April issue, and In the fiction part, I brought work by Günther Kaip, Hilary Keel, Donna Lane Nelson and Nathan D. Horowitz.
I parted ways with Breaking Rules Publishing and set up my own imprint, Flo Do Books Vienna-Sydney to publish tricky works, with tricky relating to length, language, format and subject matter.

Winds of Change is the first book, just released as an eBook, with paperback and audio to follow. And the same again in German.
The talented Viennese designer, Gerfried Mikusch created the imprint logo and the cover for Winds of Change.
Bronwyn Grannall, a uni friend up in Mackay, Australia, active in theatre and radio did the audio of All the Beautiful Liars and hopefully will do the audio of Winds of Change.
Lots of Zoom launches/readings attended, as well as courses on flash fiction with Nancy Stohlman and short stories with Billy O´Callaghan.
Book sales from my shop have allowed me to make some small donations to PCs für Alle. I´m hoping that ICT staff of UN organisations in Vienna will make the effort to look in their basements for IT equipment they don´t, and we do, need. I am starting to lose faith in UN et al and am convinced that in the current climate of greed and nepotism, only civil society can get us out of any mess. The pandemic methinks is just a dress rehearsal for what awaits us in the climate change area. Empires have done nothing to help, so it is no surprise that Earth is fighting back.
So, on that note, let me look forward to finalising a cozy politico-crime flash novelette, the umpteenth revision of my smell novel, Ambergris, feeding my new imprint, and working with talented and motivated persons, and so leave you as always with onwards!